Collaboration / Sharing Models
General Project Timing 2-4 Weeks
Supply chains in Oil & Gas have long been focussing on providing absolute security of supply. Unfortunately reality tells us this can at the expense of cost. Many voices raise the following justification: Isn't the major cost driver not the day rate of the drill ship? Or imagine the value of the potential loss of production?
This is what we so often hear and unfortunately these internal forces have "justified" a high degree of overcapacity throughout each independent supply chain of every neighbouring operator. However, when we look at the more mature producing areas in the world sharing has become a reality. Driven by the reality of low operating costs because of lower revenue, these concepts have been evolving in these legacy assets. A great example is the pooling of all marine supply vessels of 9 operators in the Netherlands. They have been sharing resources for almost a decade now and have proven that sharing actually increases delivery security and shortens delivery timelines. Cost have gone down by >60%
From numerous examples and our own experience, we have developed a road map to successfully start, expand and evolve new collaboration models.
Matching culture plays an absolutely fundamental role in shaping & supporting appropriate collaboration models between operators. It is key to align prime stakeholders with expectations. We help clients to identify the right culture & sharing structure, processes, contract models and leadership styles that are needed to make sharing, and therefore cost reduction, a reality.
We have delivered success for numerous clients, working with them to significantly increase their delivery performance whilst dramatically decreasing costs.